
cotton blight Learn more about cotton blight

  • Beware of the outbreak of cotton red leaf stem blight after heavy rain

    Beware of the outbreak of cotton red leaf stem blight after heavy rain

    Recently, the cotton area is generally heavy rain, for cotton after a long drought, it is easy to break out red leaf stem blight. Red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease. It starts from the growing point of the main stem or the top of the fruit branch, and generally develops from top to bottom and from outside to inside. The main stem withers to death but the anatomical vessels are achromatic. The root system is thick and short, and the fibrous root is less poorly developed. Cotton red leaf stem blight outbreak is caused by extensive cultivation of cotton fields, poor development of cotton roots, poor drainage of cotton fields, partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, vigorous growth of cotton,

  • Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight of planting Cotton

    Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight of planting Cotton

    Cotton red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease, and it is one of the main diseases in the middle and later stage of cotton. Over the years, the occurrence of red leaf stem blight in sandy loam and barren cotton fields in our county is relatively serious. In dry years, especially in the weather of prolonged drought, rain or continuous rain, red leaf stem blight broke out and cotton plants withered and died.

    2020-11-08 Grow cotton bonus leaf stem blight disease control cotton bonus
  • The latest precautions against early blight of cotton

    The latest precautions against early blight of cotton

    Cotton is closely related to our life, and it is also a field economic crop promoted in our life. It is widely planted in our country, but it is inevitable that there will not be some problems in the process of cotton planting, and some of them will grow normally. Among them, early blight is a common one.

    2020-11-10 The latest cotton early blight preventive measures and ours
  • Key points of Comprehensive Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Key points of Comprehensive Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    There are many kinds of diseases in cotton seedling stage, among which the most common diseases are yield blight, anthracnose and so on. The incidence rate is generally 20%-30% and 50%-90% in severe cases. Especially in early spring, cotton seedlings grow weakly and emerge slowly, which is easy to be infected by bacteria, causing a large number of rotten seeds and diseased seedlings.

  • Comprehensive Prevention Measures of Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight

    Comprehensive Prevention Measures of Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight

    Cotton red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease. In recent years, it occurs frequently in cotton area of Yangtze River valley in our country. It begins to occur at early flowering stage, and it is serious and common from full flowering stage to boll setting stage. It occurs sporadically in July and August in our country. The disease peaked from middle and late September to October. The lightly damaged plants had few yellow and thin bolls, short fibers and poor boll opening. The seriously affected plants died ahead of time and the bolls could not mature, which had a great impact on yield. I. Symptoms. At the beginning of the disease, red and purple spots appeared on the leaves, gradually expanding to red on the whole leaves.

  • How to control cotton blight

    How to control cotton blight

    Cotton Rhizoctonia solani, also known as root rot, black root disease, the pathogen is Rhizoctonia solani. Infection of pathogen before seed germination can cause rotten seed, and infection after germination to pre-unearthed can cause rotten bud. After the cotton seedlings were unearthed, the yellow-brown disease spot appeared at the base near the soil surface at the initial stage, and the disease spot gradually expanded and surrounded the whole base. Senior farmers.

  • The latest control measures of tomato cotton blight

    The latest control measures of tomato cotton blight

    Tomato is very prone to cotton blight in the process of planting, and the back of the leaf is called brown rot, which mainly occurs in rainy days and high temperature season. So how to prevent and cure tomato cotton blight? Let's get to know it with the editor.

    2020-11-10 The latest tomato cotton blight disease control measures in planting
  • Incidence characteristics and Control of Vertical Blight of planting Cotton

    Incidence characteristics and Control of Vertical Blight of planting Cotton

    The characteristics of cotton vertical blight: the cotton seedlings were damaged after being unearthed, and at the initial stage, the yellow-brown disease spot appeared near the base of the soil, the disease spot gradually expanded and surrounded the whole base with obvious constriction, and the diseased seedlings wilted and fell and died. After damage to cotyledons, yellowish brown irregular disease occurs in the middle of cotyledons.

    2020-11-08 Species cotton blight disease characteristics and control
  • Three inducing factors of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Three inducing factors of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Cotton red leaf stem blight is a physiological disease caused by potassium deficiency, which occurs in the middle and later stages of cotton growth, especially in dry years. The disease of cotton in the field generally begins to show in the bud stage, and the disease is the most serious in the boll opening stage. The symptoms were mainly on the leaves, and the diseased leaves developed from the top to the bottom and from the outside to the inside. The diseased leaves began to lose green from the edge, first yellow, then red spots, and finally the whole leaf turned red, the mesophyll thickened, wrinkled and brittle, and the veins remained green. When the disease is serious, the leaves of the whole plant turn red and brown after losing green, and the leaves scorch and fall off into smooth rods.

  • Preventive measures for early withering of cotton

    Preventive measures for early withering of cotton

    Preventive measures for early withering of cotton

  • Control measures of Tomato Cotton Blight

    Control measures of Tomato Cotton Blight

    Control measures of Tomato Cotton Blight

  • Occurrence and Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Occurrence and Control of Red Leaf Stem Blight in Cotton

    Disease symptoms and occurrence regularity: cotton red leaf stem blight is a kind of fulminant disease that often occurs in the middle and later stage of cotton. It can make the leaves turn red from the bottom up until they fall off. The veins remain green, the mesophyll turns red, and the leaves become thicker, brittle, wilted and finally fall off. Cutting the stem without changing color can be distinguished from cotton wilt and Verticillium wilt. Generally in the old cotton area, the cotton fields with continuous planting, sandy land, shallow plough layer or lack of potassium fertilizer are more serious. In the middle and later stage of drought, the serious lack of potassium and zinc in the soil can easily lead to the acceleration of the disease.

  • What are the common diseases of cotton?

    What are the common diseases of cotton?

    What are the common diseases of cotton? What are the hazards? Please also know the netizens to help introduce the common diseases of planting cotton, such as standing blight, Fusarium wilt, black rot, virus disease and stem blight; the planting network has sorted out the harm and control methods of the above cotton diseases, which are listed below for netizens' reference. Cotton.

  • The latest prevention and control methods of eggplant cotton blight

    The latest prevention and control methods of eggplant cotton blight

    Eggplant cotton blight, also known as rotten eggplant, egg drop, water rot, etc., is common in all vegetable areas. eggplant in open field and protected field can be harmed, and the disease is serious in rainy or rainy years in early summer or rainy and foggy in autumn. the disease is serious and often causes a large number of fruit rot.

    2020-11-10 The latest eggplant cotton blight disease control methods cotton blight
  • How to prevent and cure the cotton blight of eggplant during the full fruit period

    How to prevent and cure the cotton blight of eggplant during the full fruit period

    How to prevent and cure the cotton blight of eggplant during the full fruit period

  • Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight and its Control measures

    Cotton Red Leaf Stem Blight and its Control measures

    First, after the disease of the symptom recognition plant, the leaves become dark green and thicker and brittle, then there are red dots scattered on the leaves, and finally the whole leaves turn red, and the leaf veins remain green, that is, red leaf stem blight. When the disease is serious, the petiole base becomes soft, dehydration shrinks, causing the leaf to wither and fall off, and the top of the stem is dry-scorched. At the same time, it is easy to cause repeated infection of ring spot and brown spot, causing the diseased plant to scorch and die. Some plants can still sprout after falling off their diseased leaves. The plants with severe and early disease were short, the root system was underdeveloped, and the main root and lateral root were both.

  • Symptoms and control points of eggplant cotton blight

    Symptoms and control points of eggplant cotton blight

    Symptoms and control points of eggplant cotton blight

  • Cotton gets red leaf stem blight when hanging peaches.

    Cotton gets red leaf stem blight when hanging peaches.

    The control measures of cotton red leaf stem blight are as follows: 1. Reasonable topdressing, skillful application of cotton top fertilizer, combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium or foliar topdressing. 2. Strengthen field management, ploughing frequently, improve root respiration conditions, promote root development, prune and branch in time, pick old leaves and control diseases and insect pests. 3. Spray protection with 70% mancozeb or 75% chlorothalonil or 70% methyl topiramate plus foliar fertilizer (potassium dihydrogen phosphate, green source, etc.), 5-

  • Control methods of eggplant cotton blight

    Control methods of eggplant cotton blight

    Control methods of eggplant cotton blight

  • Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and Control of Cotton Seedling Diseases

    Diagnosis and control of cotton diseases at seedling stage there are many kinds of diseases in cotton seedling stage, but there are mainly two types of diseases: root disease and leaf disease. Root diseases often lead to rotting before emergence, rotten buds, root rot and stem base rot after emergence are the main causes of lack of seedlings and broken ridges in cotton fields, such as standing blight, anthracnose, red rot, quenching and so on. The leaf disease is harmful to the cotyledons, true leaves and stems of cotton seedlings, and when it is serious, the top of the stem and leaves wither and fall off, such as black spot, brown spot, cotton seedling blight, stem blight and so on. This film focuses on an overview of several
